LeFevre says that, as a laborer, he’s a member of a “dying
breed.” The work is often thankless, but it pays his bills. And, more
importantly, it helps him to provide for his family. He says that, since he
never had the chance to go to college, he intends to make sure that his son
finds his way into the upper class by giving him a proper education, and so he
pulls steel, day in, and day out. And though each day for LeFevre tends to
blend with the others in his memory, he finds a way to make his mark on his
work, as it were, by dinging up the beams that come across his line with a
hammer just to distinguish them from all of the others. He says he’d like to
see a foot-wide strip on every building listing the names of those that helped
to construct but, as it stands, his method of anonymously signing his beams
with the head of a hammer had to suffice for him. “Picasso can point to a
painting,” LeFevre says, “…a writer can point to a book.” But, he says, for the
general laborer there is no identifier; no pride to be had in the finished
product. But human beings need that something tangible, he says: something to
prove that they’re impact on the world was real; that they were, in fact, there, and that what they did counted for something. “Everybody
should have something to point to,” he says.
And so it goes on the professional speaking circuit, as
Writing a book—be it self-published or distributed by a
major industry player—is generally regarded as one of the best ways to position
yourself as a leader in any field. And with respect to public speaking, having
that “something to point to” is a great way to prove to potential clients that
you’ve got the know-how to entertain, educate, and influence the audience that they’re
hoping will (or, in the case of some business conferences, obligating to)
attend. Lisa Tener, winner of a Silver Stevie Award as 2014’s Coach/Mentor of
the Year, was once quoted in the Women’s Advantage Calendar as saying, “To be
seen as an expert, write a book. To write a book, become an expert.” Thus, the
question begs to be asked— where do you start?
The bottom line is this: you are already an expert at
something, even if that something is based on the lessons you’ve learned by
living your own life. You’ve already failed in some unique way, learned something
in that failing that only you can translate to the greater public from your
perspective and, finally, you succeeded, if not by becoming a multi-millionaire
(yet), then by finding a way to continue surviving. And if that alone is not
enough to motivate you to share your expertise with the world, then consider the
fact that book signings after speaking engagements are a great way to tack-on a
few hundred dollars at each stop while working on the road. And those books you
sell will continue to work for you, as well, sending your personal message out
into every community you visit long after you take your leave to speak in the
next town.
Last year, the National Speaker Association inducted five
professional motivators into an elite club called the Council of Peers Award of
Excellence (CPAE) Speaker Hall of Fame. Beyond their ability to motivate a
crowd and make a living off of it, Simon T. Bailey, Walter Bond, Jeffrey
Hayzlett, Stephen Shapiro, and Laura Stack all have something else in common,
and it has nothing to do with advanced degrees, a history in politics, or a
bunch of letters stuck onto the ends of their names. Rather, in addition to
being great public speakers, these people are also all dedicated writers, each
with multiple titles to offer under their belts.
Keynote speaker, best-selling author, and contributor to
both Forbes.com and Inc.com (often on the subject of public speaking, itself), Micah Solomon is well aware of the
connection between authorship and speaker credibility. “While professional
speaking is a skill of its own,” Solomon says, “nobody wants a speaker who
doesn’t have something to say.” And, says Solomon, “one way to prove to
yourself and to potential audiences that you have something to say is to put it
in writing.” Naturally, though he’s been published across multiple formats
several hundred times, Solomon says he has “no plan of reducing (his) written
After all, talking in front of a crowd is one thing, and
professional speaking can certainly be a great source of income for in-demand
rhetoricians. Regardless, if those speakers intend to stay in-demand and thus continue
to command between $2000 and $50,000 for every 45-to-90-minute speech they are
called to deliver, even the best speakers on the planet are
going to need something to point to.